2 min readJan 31, 2021


Why Nimbus Deserves Your Attention.

You might have heard that Nimbus are an all in one DAO-governed ecosystem accessible via their native utility token, NBU. But you might wonder what makes Nimbus standard out, what makes them different from other DeFi projects out there in the crypto space. What makes them unique that over 50,000 users were already supporting before their official launch on the 27th of January 2021.

Why Nimbus is great.

1. Referral Program: with Nimbus you can invite your friends, family or loved ones and get percentage for referrals. With 3 types of referral rewards, you can find just the referral plan that suits you best.

2. Up to 12% APY on Stakes: you could stake the NBU tokens on one of Nimbus 3 pools and you could get APY of up to 12%.

3. Milestones: A great project can easily be determined by their milestones reach. When Nimbus NBU token launched, it took just a day to reach the market cap of $35 million dollars. This shows that Nimbus is heading in the right direction.

For more details visit:

Official website:


Telegram : @Nimbus_Platform_ENG




I am a Water Resources and Environmental Engineer, also a Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Enthusiast